Enhanced Metrics for App and Network Performance

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April 19, 2024

Added Virginia region (US East) in early access

You can now deploy Render services to the Virginia region (US East).

Note that this region is currently in early access. It's available to all users, and it's feature-complete with our other regions. Early access provides us an opportunity to address any one-off issues that might arise with spinning up a new region. We'll announce when this early access period completes.

Specify a region in the Render Dashboard during service creation:

Specifying the Virginia region during service creation
Specifying the Virginia region during service creation

If you're creating your service via a Blueprint, you can instead set region: virginia in your render.yaml file.

Learn more in the documentation.

April 18, 2024

Enhanced service metrics in the Render Dashboard and API

Powerful new application metrics are available for paid instances in the Render Dashboard:

CPU metrics in the Render Dashboard
CPU metrics in the Render Dashboard

From your service's Metrics page, you can now visualize:

  • CPU and memory usage over time, segmented by instance for scaled services
  • HTTP request volume and response latency, segmented by status code, path, and more
    • Response latency metrics require a team account.

Metrics from the past 7 days are available for individual accounts. Teams can view metrics from the past 14 or 30 days, depending on their plan.

Learn more in the documentation.

April 17, 2024

IDE validation for render.yaml files

Many popular IDEs now provide schema-backed validation and autocompletion for the render.yaml file format used with Render Blueprints:

An example of render.yaml validation in VS Code
An example of render.yaml validation in VS Code

To enable in VS Code, install the YAML extension by Red Hat.

Learn more in the documentation.

April 17, 2024

Create a Blueprint from existing services

You can now generate a render.yaml file from your existing services in the Render Dashboard:

Selecting services to include in a generated render.yaml file
Selecting services to include in a generated render.yaml file

Use this file to create a Render Blueprint that manages those existing services, or to replicate your architecture with a completely new set of services.

Learn more in the documentation.

April 17, 2024

Added support for Bitbucket

You can now connect your Bitbucket account to Render and deploy from any Bitbucket repo you have access to.

During service creation in the Render Dashboard, click + Connect Bitbucket. After you authorize Render, your Bitbucket repos appear in the selection list:

Selecting a Bitbucket repo in the Render Dashboard
Selecting a Bitbucket repo in the Render Dashboard

You can also now sign in to Render using your Bitbucket identity.

Learn more in the documentation.

April 16, 2024

Designate environments as protected to prevent destructive actions

Teams on Render can now designate individual project environments as protected. Doing so prevents non-Admin team members from performing potentially destructive actions on that environment or its resources, including:

  • Deleting any of the environment's resources (services, environment groups, etc.), or deleting the environment itself
  • Modifying environment variables or secret files for any service or environment group that belongs to the environment
  • Moving resources into or out of the environment
  • Modifying access control IPs for any PostgreSQL database or Redis instance that belongs to the environment
  • Accessing the shell for a service that belongs to the environment

Learn more in the documentation.

April 09, 2024

Static site assets now built and persisted in the same region as other services

Render now builds your static sites and persists their assets in the same region where you deployed your first non-static Render service. Previously, all static site assets were stored in the Oregon region.

Static sites are still cached and served to users by a global CDN, regardless of their region. This change primarily improves latency for any rewrite rules that point to a Render web service in the same region.

April 03, 2024

Added native support for Bun

All Render native runtimes now include the Bun JavaScript toolkit.

You can update your service's build and start commands to use Bun:

Updating a service's build and start commands to use Bun
Updating a service's build and start commands to use Bun

With this initial release, native runtimes use Bun version 1.1.0 by default. You can use a different version by setting the BUN_VERSION environment variable for your service.

March 18, 2024

Default Ruby version updated to 3.3.0

Newly created Ruby services now use Ruby 3.3.0 by default. You can always specify a different version.

Existing Ruby services keep their original default version to prevent breaking changes.

March 13, 2024