July 22, 2024

Added dark display theme to the Render Dashboard

The Render Dashboard now provides a dark display theme:

The Render Dashboard's dark display theme
The Render Dashboard's dark display theme

Additionally, you can toggle a high contrast mode to more prominently highlight certain interactive elements.

Quickly set your theme from the account menu in the top-right corner of the dashboard:

Setting a display theme in the Render Dashboard
Setting a display theme in the Render Dashboard

To also toggle high contrast, open your account settings and scroll down to the Theme section:

Theme settings on the account settings page
Theme settings on the account settings page
July 10, 2024

API endpoints for datastores, logs, environments, Blueprints, and more

The Render API has added over 50 new endpoints to support much more extensive integration with the Render platform.

Endpoints are now available for the following resources that were previously unsupported by the API:

  • Datastores (PostgreSQL, Redis, and persistent disks)
  • Service logs
  • Environment groups
  • Blueprints
  • Projects and environments
  • Notification settings

New endpoints are also available for certain resources that are already supported by the API, such as redirect/rewrite rules for static sites.

With these additions, the API supports almost all functionality available in the Render Dashboard. There are no breaking changes to existing API endpoints.

The OpenAPI spec for the Render API is available in JSON format at this URL. You can use this spec to create your own custom clients and other tooling.

Learn more in the API reference.

July 09, 2024

Redis instances now emit service logs

Redis instances now emit service logs. As with logs for other service types, Redis logs are available in the Render Dashboard and via any configured log stream.

Redis logs in the Render Dashboard
Redis logs in the Render Dashboard

Learn more about logging in the documentation.

July 09, 2024

Default Node.js version updated to 20.15.1

Newly created Node.js services now use Node.js 20.15.1 by default. You can always specify a different version.

Existing Node.js services keep their original default version to prevent breaking changes.

June 27, 2024

Audit logs for Organization and Enterprise plans

Teams with an Organization or Enterprise plan can now export audit logs of material events that occurred in the account over a given time frame. This includes events related to:

  • Team member management
  • Project and environment management
  • Service creation/deletion

Team admins can export audit log data in the Render Dashboard, from the Audit Logs section of the Team Settings page:

Exporting audit log data in the Render Dashboard
Exporting audit log data in the Render Dashboard

For a list of all audit log event types, see the documentation.

Note the following about data availability:

  • For existing Organization and Enterprise accounts, audit log data is available starting from June 24, 2024.
  • For a new Organization or Enterprise account, audit log data is available starting from the date of account creation.
  • If you upgrade an account to Organization or Enterprise, audit log data is available starting from the date of the upgrade.

Learn more in the documentation.

June 05, 2024

Pull and deploy private images from Google Artifact Registry

You can now pull and deploy your private Docker images from Google Artifact Registry. Add your credentials in the Render Dashboard during service creation:

Adding a Google Artifact Registry credential in the Render Dashboard
Adding a Google Artifact Registry credential in the Render Dashboard

With this addition, Render now supports pulling private images from the following registries:

  • Docker Hub
  • GitHub Container Registry
  • GitLab Container Registry
  • Google Artifact Registry

Learn more in the documentation.

June 04, 2024

Quickly deploy PostgreSQL admin apps from the Render Dashboard

Render now provides simplified deployment for popular PostgreSQL admin apps in the Render Dashboard.

Deploying PostgreSQL admin apps in the Render Dashboard
Deploying PostgreSQL admin apps in the Render Dashboard

With a few clicks, you can deploy each app as a standalone web service that's automatically configured to connect to your database.

The following apps are currently supported:

  • pgAdmin
  • PgHero

Learn more in the documentation.

May 31, 2024

Official Render Terraform provider now available in early access

Render's official Terraform provider is now available in early access. You can use this provider to manage your Render services alongside other systems in your organization's infrastructure.

Note that breaking changes might be introduced during the early access period. Any such changes will be noted in accompanying release notes.

May 24, 2024

Change an existing service's runtime via API or Blueprint

You can now change the native runtime for an existing service in any of the following ways:

  • Make an HTTP call to the Render API’s Update service endpoint.
    • Specify a new runtime via the serviceDetails parameter you provide in your request.
  • If you’re managing your service with Render Blueprints, update the service’s runtime field in your render.yaml file, then sync your Blueprint.

Changing a service's runtime in the Render Dashboard is not currently supported.

Learn more in the documentation.

May 20, 2024

Free PostgreSQL instances now expire after 30 days (previously 90)

As of 2024-05-20, newly created Free Render PostgreSQL databases expire after 30 days (previously 90 days). Free databases created prior to this date retain their original expiration date.

The following Free database policies remain unchanged:

  • Each individual and team account is limited to one Free database at a time.
  • After your Free database expires, you have an additional 14 days to upgrade it to a paid instance type before your data is deleted.
  • After your Free database expires, you can create a new Free database.

Learn more about Free PostgreSQL limitations in the documentation.