1. Quickstarts
  2. ElysiaJS

Deploy ElysiaJS with Bun

ElysiaJS is a web framework for building backend servers with Bun. Bun is a fast JavaScript runtime that serves as a bundler, test runner, and package manager.

You can use Render to host an ElysiaJS app. Render supports Bun natively.

Deploying from the Render Dashboard

  1. Fork render-examples/elysiajs-hello-world on GitHub.

  2. Create a new web service on Render, and give Render permission to access your new repo.

  3. Provide the following values during service creation:

    Build Commandbun install
    Start Commandbun start

That’s it! Your web service will be live at its onrender.com URL as soon as the deploy finishes.

Deploying with a Blueprint (Infrastructure as Code)

  1. Fork render-examples/elysiajs-hello-world on GitHub.

  2. In the included render.yaml file, set the repo field to the URL of your fork. Commit this change.

  3. Follow these steps to create a new Blueprint using the render.yaml file.

That’s it! Your web service will be live on your Render URL as soon as the deploy finishes.