Blueprint YAML Reference

Every Render Blueprint is backed by a YAML file that defines a set of interconnected services, databases, and environment groups.

A Blueprint file must be named render.yaml, and it must be located in the root directory of a Git repository.

This reference page provides an example Blueprint file, along with documentation for supported fields.

Example Blueprint file

The following render.yaml file demonstrates usage for most supported fields. These fields are documented in further detail below.

+ Show example Blueprint file
# Example render.yaml                                           #
# Do not use this file directly! Consult it for reference only. #

  generation: automatic # Enable preview environments

# List all services *except* PostgreSQL databases here
  # A web service on the Ruby native runtime
  - type: web
    runtime: ruby
    name: sinatra-app
    repo: # Default: Repo containing render.yaml
    numInstances: 3   # Manual scaling configuration. Default: 1 for new services
    region: frankfurt # Default: oregon
    plan: standard    # Default: starter
    branch: prod      # Default: master
    buildCommand: bundle install
    preDeployCommand: bundle exec ruby migrate.rb
    startCommand: bundle exec ruby main.rb
    autoDeploy: false # Disable automatic deploys
    maxShutdownDelaySeconds: 120 # Increase graceful shutdown period. Default: 30, Max: 300
    domains: # Custom domains
    envVars: # Environment variables
      - key: API_BASE_URL
        value: # Hardcoded value
      - key: APP_SECRET
        generateValue: true # Generate a base64-encoded 256-bit value
      - key: STRIPE_API_KEY
        sync: false # Prompt for a value in the Render Dashboard
      - key: DATABASE_URL
        fromDatabase: # Reference a property of a database (see available properties below)
          name: mydatabase
          property: connectionString
      - key: MINIO_PASSWORD
        fromService: # Reference a value from another service
          name: minio
          type: pserv
          envVarKey: MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD
      - fromGroup: my-env-group # Add all variables from an environment group

  # A web service that builds from a Dockerfile
  - type: web
    runtime: docker
    name: webdis
    repo: # Default: Repo containing render.yaml
    rootDir: webdis # Default: Repo root
    dockerCommand: ./ # Default: Dockerfile CMD
    scaling: # Autoscaling configuration
      minInstances: 1
      maxInstances: 3
      targetMemoryPercent: 60 # Optional if targetCPUPercent is set
      targetCPUPercent: 60    # Optional if targetMemory is set
    healthCheckPath: /
    registryCredential: # Default: No credential
        name: my-credentials
      - key: REDIS_HOST
        fromService: # Reference a property from another service (see available properties below)
          type: keyvalue
          name: lightning
          property: host
      - key: REDIS_PORT
          type: keyvalue
          name: lightning
          property: port
      - fromGroup: conc-settings

  # A private service with an attached persistent disk
  - type: pserv
    runtime: docker
    name: minio
    repo: # Default: Repo containing render.yaml
      generateValue: true # Generate a base64-encoded 256-bit value
    - key: MINIO_ROOT_USER
      sync: false # Prompt for a value in the Render Dashboard
    - key: PORT
      value: 10000
    disk: # Persistent disk configuration
      name: data
      mountPath: /data
      sizeGB: 10 # optional

# A Python cron job that runs every hour
  - type: cron
    name: date
    runtime: python
    schedule: "0 * * * *"
    buildCommand: "true" # ensure it's a string
    startCommand: date
    repo: # optional

# A Dockerfile-based background worker
  - type: worker
    name: queue
    runtime: docker
    dockerfilePath: ./sub/Dockerfile # Optional
    dockerContext: ./sub/src # Optional
    branch: queue # Optional

# A static site
  - type: web
    name: my-blog
    runtime: static
    buildCommand: yarn build
    staticPublishPath: ./build
      generation: automatic # Enable service previews
      - src/**/*.js
      - src/**/*.test.js
      - path: /*
        name: X-Frame-Options
        value: sameorigin
      - type: redirect
        source: /old
        destination: /new
      - type: rewrite
        source: /a/*
        destination: /a

# A Key Value instance
  - type: keyvalue
    name: lightning
    ipAllowList: # Required
      - source:
        description: everywhere
    plan: free # Default: starter
    maxmemoryPolicy: noeviction # Default: allkeys-lru

# List all PostgreSQL databases here

  # A database with one read replica
  - name: elephant
    databaseName: mydb # Optional (Render may add a suffix)
    user: adrian # Optional
    ipAllowList: # Optional (defaults to allow all)
      - source:
        description: office
      - source:
        description: home
      - name: elephant-replica

  # A database that allows only private network connections
  - name: private database
    databaseName: private
    ipAllowList: [] # No entries in the IP allow list

  # A database with specified disk size
  - name: pachyderm
    plan: basic-1gb
    diskSizeGB: 35

  # A database that enables high availability
  - name: highly available database
    plan: pro-8gb
      enabled: true

# Environment groups
  - name: conc-settings
      - key: CONCURRENCY
        value: 2
      - key: SECRET
        generateValue: true
  - name: stripe
      - key: STRIPE_API_URL

IDE validation

The Render Blueprint specification is served from, which many popular IDEs use to provide live validation and autocompletion for JSON and YAML files.

For VS Code, install the YAML extension by Red Hat to enable validation of render.yaml files:

render.yaml validation in VS Code

If your IDE doesn’t integrate with, the Blueprint specification is also hosted at in JSON Schema format. Consult your IDE’s documentation to learn how to use this schema for validation.

Root-level fields

The following fields are valid at the root level of a render.yaml file:


A list of non-PostgreSQL services to manage with the Blueprint. Each entry is an object that represents a single service.

For details, see Service fields.


A list of PostgreSQL databases to manage with the Blueprint. Each entry is an object that represents a single database.

For details, see Database fields.


A list of environment groups to manage with the Blueprint. Each entry is an object that represents a single environment group.

For details, see Environment groups.


The generation mode to use for preview environments.

  generation: manual

Supported values include:

  • off
  • manual
  • automatic

For details on each, see Manual vs. automatic preview environments.

If you omit this field, preview environments are disabled for any linked Blueprints.

Setting the deprecated field previewsEnabled: true is equivalent to setting this field to automatic.

This field does not affect configuration for individual service previews.


The number of days to retain a preview environment that receives no updates. After this period, Render automatically deprovisions the preview environment to help reduce your compute costs.

For details, see Automatic expiration.

Service fields

Each entry in a Blueprint file’s services list is an object that represents a single, non-PostgreSQL service. (You define PostgreSQL databases in the databases list.)

See below for supported fields.

Essential fields

These fields pertain to a service’s core configuration (name, runtime, region, and so on).


Required. The service’s name. Provide a unique name for each service in your Blueprint file.

If you add the name of an existing service to your Blueprint file, Render attempts to apply the Blueprint’s configuration to that existing service.


Required. The type of service. One of the following:

You can’t modify this value after creation.

You define PostgreSQL databases separately, in the databases list.


Required unless type is keyvalue or redis. The service’s runtime.

Supported values include:

Native language runtimes

  • node
  • python
  • elixir
  • go
  • ruby
  • rust

Special-case runtimes

You can’t modify this value after creation.

This field replaces the env field (env is still supported but is discouraged).


The service’s instance type (see pricing). One of the following:

  • free (not available for private services, background workers, or cron jobs)
  • starter
  • standard
  • pro
  • pro plus

The following additional instance types are available for web services, private services, and background workers:

  • pro max
  • pro ultra

If you omit this field:

  • Render uses starter for a new service.
  • Render retains the current instance type for an existing service.

The preview generation mode to use for this service’s pull request previews.

Supported values include:

  • manual
  • automatic

For details on each, see Manual vs. automatic PR previews.

If you omit this field, pull request previews are disabled for the service.

Setting the deprecated field pullRequestPreviewsEnabled: true is equivalent to setting this field to automatic.

This field does not affect configuration for preview environments.


The instance type to use for this service in preview environments.

If you omit this field, preview instances use the same instance type as the base service.


Required for non-Docker-based services. The command that Render runs to build your service.

Basic examples include:

  • npm install (Node.js)
  • pip install -r requirements.txt (Python)

Required for non-Docker-based services. The command that Render runs to start your service.

Basic examples include:

  • npm start (Node.js)
  • gunicorn your_application.wsgi (Python)

Docker-based services set the optional dockerCommand field instead of this field.


Required for cron jobs, omit otherwise. The schedule for running the cron job, as a cron expression.


If specified, this command runs after the service’s buildCommand but before its startCommand. Recommended for running database migrations and other pre-deploy tasks.

Learn more about the pre-deploy command.


The region to deploy the service to. One of the following:

  • oregon (default)
  • ohio
  • virginia
  • frankfurt
  • singapore

You can’t modify this value after creation. This field does not apply to static sites.

If omitted, the default value is oregon.


For Git-based services, the URL of the GitHub/GitLab repo to use. Your Git provider account must have access to the repo.

If omitted, Render uses the repo that contains the render.yaml file itself.

For services that pull a prebuilt Docker image, set image instead of this field.


For Git-based services, the branch of the linked repo to use.

If omitted, Render uses the repo’s default branch.

If you’re using preview environments, you probably don’t want to set this field. If you do set it, Render uses the specified branch in all preview environments, instead of your pull request’s associated branch. This prevents you from testing code changes in the preview environment.


Web services and static sites only. A list of custom domains for the service. Internet-accessible services are always reachable at their subdomain.

For each root domain in the list, Render automatically adds a www. subdomain that redirects to the root domain.

For each www. subdomain in the list, Render automatically adds the corresponding root domain and redirects it to the www. subdomain.


Web services only. The path of the service’s health check endpoint for zero-downtime deploys.


Web services, private services, and background workers only. The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that Render waits for your application process to exit gracefully after sending it a SIGTERM signal. For details, see Zero-downtime deploys.

After this delay, Render terminates the process with a SIGKILL signal if it’s still running.

Render most commonly shuts down instances as part of redeploying your service or scaling it down. Set this field to give instances more time to finish any existing work before termination.

This value must be an integer between 1 and 300, inclusive.

If omitted, the default value is 30.


The following fields are specific to Docker-based services. This includes both services that build an image with a Dockerfile (runtime: docker) and services that pull a prebuilt image from a registry (runtime: image).

Building from a Dockerfile


The command to run when starting the Docker-based service.

If omitted, Render uses the CMD defined in the Dockerfile.


The path to the service’s Dockerfile, relative to the repo root. Typically used for services in a monorepo.

If omitted, Render uses ./Dockerfile.


The path to the service’s Docker build context, relative to the repo root. Typically used for services in a monorepo.

If omitted, Render uses the repo root.


If your Dockerfile references any private images, you must specify a valid credential that can access those images.

This field uses the following format:

    name: my-credentials # The name of a credential you've added to your workspace

Add registry credentials in the Render Dashboard from your Workspace Settings page, or via the Render API.

Pulling a prebuilt image


Details for the Docker image to pull from a registry.

This field uses the following format:

  creds: # Only for private images
      name: my-credential-name # The name of a credential you've added to your workspace

Provide creds only if you’re pulling a private image. Add registry credentials in the Render Dashboard from your Workspace Settings page, or via the Render API.

For more information, see Deploy a Prebuilt Docker Image.


Note the following about scaling:

  • You can’t scale a service with an attached persistent disk.
  • Autoscaling requires a Professional workspace or higher.
    • Manual scaling is available for all workspaces.
  • If you add an existing service to a Blueprint, that service retains any existing autoscaling settings unless you add the scaling field in your Blueprint.
  • Autoscaling is disabled in preview environments.
    • Instead, autoscaled services always run a number of instances equal to their minInstances.

For a manually scaled service, the number of instances to scale the service to.

If you omit this field:

  • Render uses 1 for a new service.
  • Render retains the current value for an existing service.

This value has no effect for services with autoscaling enabled. Configure autoscaling behavior with the scaling field.


For an autoscaled service, configuration details for the service’s autoscaling behavior.


  minInstances: 1         # Required
  maxInstances: 3         # Required
  targetMemoryPercent: 60 # Optional if targetCPUPercent is set (valid: 1-90)
  targetCPUPercent: 60    # Optional if targetMemory is set (valid: 1-90)



File paths in the service’s repo to include or ignore when determining whether to trigger an automatic build. Especially useful for monorepos.

Build filter paths use glob syntax. They are always relative to the repo’s root directory.

When synced, this value fully replaces an existing service’s build filter settings. If you omit this field for a service with existing build filter settings, Render replaces those settings with empty lists.

  paths: # Only trigger a build with changes to these files
    - src/**/*.js
  ignoredPaths: # Ignore these files, even if they match a path in 'paths'
    - src/**/*.test.js

The service’s root directory within its repo. Changes to files outside the root directory do not trigger a build for the service. Set this when working in a monorepo.

If omitted, Render uses the repo’s root directory.


Attach a persistent disk to a compatible service with the disk field:

  name: app-data # Required field
  mountPath: /opt/data # Required field
  sizeGB: 5 # Default: 10

You can modify the name and mountPath of an existing disk. You can increase the sizeGB of an existing disk, but you can’t reduce it.

Static sites

The following fields are specific to static sites:


Required. The path to the directory that contains the static files to publish, relative to the repo root. Common examples include ./build and ./dist.


Configuration details for a static site’s HTTP response headers.


  # Adds X-Frame-Options: sameorigin to all site paths
  - path: /*
    name: X-Frame-Options
    value: sameorigin
  # Adds Cache-Control: must-revalidate to /blog paths
  - path: /blog/*
    name: Cache-Control
    value: must-revalidate

You can modify existing header rules and add new ones. Render preserves any existing header rules that are not included in the Blueprint file.


Configuration details for a static site’s redirect and rewrite routes.


  # Redirect (HTTP status 301) from /a to /b
  - type: redirect
    source: /a
    destination: /b
  # Rewrite all /app/* requests to /app
  - type: rewrite
    source: /app/*
    destination: /app

You can modify existing routing rules and add new ones. Render preserves any existing routing rules that are not included in the Blueprint file.

Render Key Value

You define Render Key Value instances in the services field of render.yaml alongside your other non-PostgreSQL services. A Key Value instance has the type keyvalue (or its deprecated alias redis).

Example definitions

+ Show example Key Value definitions
  # A Key Value instance that defines all available fields
  - type: keyvalue
    name: thunder
    ipAllowList: # Allow external connections from only these CIDR blocks
      - source:
        description: office
      - source:
        description: home
    region: frankfurt    # Default: oregon
    plan: pro            # Default: starter
    previewPlan: starter # Default: use the value for 'plan'
    maxmemoryPolicy: allkeys-lru # Default: allkeys-lru)

  # A Key Value instance that allows all external connections
  - type: keyvalue
    name: lightning
    ipAllowList: # Allow external connections from everywhere
      - source:
        description: everywhere

  # A Key Value instance that allows only internal connections
  - type: keyvalue
    name: private cache
    ipAllowList: [] # Only allow internal connections

Key-Value-specific fields



See Data access control.


The Key Value instance’s eviction policy for when it reaches its maximum memory limit. One of the following:

  • allkeys-lru (default)
  • volatile-lru
  • allkeys-random
  • volatile-random
  • volatile-ttl
  • noeviction

For details on these policies, see the Render Key Value documentation.

Environment variables

See Setting environment variables.

Database fields

Each entry in a Blueprint file’s databases list is an object that represents a PostgreSQL instance.

See below for supported fields.

Example definitions

+ Show example database definitions
  # A basic-4gb database instance with one read replica
  - name: prod # Required
    postgresMajorVersion: "16" # Default: most recent supported version
    region: frankfurt # Default: oregon
    plan: basic-4gb # Default: basic-256mb
    databaseName: prod_app # Default: generated value based on name
    user: app_user # Default: generated value based on name
    ipAllowList: # Default: allows all connections
      - source:
        description: office
      - source:
        description: home
    readReplicas: # Default: does not add any read replicas
      - name: prod-replica

  # A database that allows only private network connections
  - name: private database
    databaseName: private
    ipAllowList: [] # Only allow internal connections

  # A database that enables high availability
  - name: highly available database
    plan: pro-16gb
      enabled: true

Essential fields


Required. The PostgreSQL instance’s name. Provide a unique name for each service in your Blueprint file.

If you add the name of an existing instance to your Blueprint file, Render attempts to apply the Blueprint’s configuration to that existing instance.

You can’t modify this value after creation.


The database’s instance type (see pricing).

One of the following:

+ View values for plan

Current instance types:

  • free
  • basic-256mb
  • basic-1gb
  • basic-4gb
  • pro-4gb
  • pro-8gb
  • pro-16gb
  • pro-32gb
  • pro-64gb
  • pro-128gb
  • pro-192gb
  • pro-256gb
  • pro-384gb
  • pro-512gb
  • accelerated-16gb
  • accelerated-32gb
  • accelerated-64gb
  • accelerated-128gb
  • accelerated-256gb
  • accelerated-384gb
  • accelerated-512gb
  • accelerated-768gb
  • accelerated-1024gb

Legacy instance types:

  • starter
  • standard
  • pro
  • pro plus

You cannot create new databases on a legacy instance type. You can move a database from a legacy instance type to a current instance type, but you can’t move it back.

If you omit this field:

  • Render uses basic-256mb for a new database.
  • Render retains the current instance type for an existing database.

The instance type to use for this database in preview environments.

If you omit this field, preview instances use the same instance type as the primary database (specified by plan).

If your primary database uses a new flexible instance type, you cannot specify a non-flexible instance type for previewPlan (or vice versa).


The database’s disk size, in GB. Not valid for legacy instance types, which have a fixed disk size.

This value must be either 1 or a multiple of 5.

You can increase disk size, but you can’t decrease it.

If you omit this field:

  • For a new database, Render uses a default disk size based on the instance type’s tier:
    • Free: 1 GB
    • Basic: 15 GB
    • Pro: 100 GB
    • Accelerated: 250 GB
  • For an existing instance, Render retains the current disk size.

The disk size to use for this database in preview environments.

If you omit this field, preview instances use the same disk size as the primary database (specified by diskSizeGB).


The region to deploy the instance to. One of the following:

  • oregon (default)
  • ohio
  • virginia
  • frankfurt
  • singapore

You can’t modify this value after creation.

If omitted, the default value is oregon.


See Data access control.

PostgreSQL settings


The major version number of PostgreSQL to use, as a string (e.g., "16").

If omitted, Render uses the most recent version supported by the platform.

You can’t modify this value after creation.


The name of your database in the PostgreSQL instance. This is different from the name of the PostgreSQL instance itself.

If omitted, Render automatically generates a name for the database based on name.

You can’t modify this value after creation.


The name of the PostgreSQL user to create for your instance.

If omitted, Render automatically generates a name for the database based on name.

You can’t modify this value after creation.

Database replicas

You can add two types of replica to a Render Postgres instance:


Add one or more read replicas to a Render Postgres instance with the following syntax:

  - name: my-db-replica

Note the following:

  • You can add up to five read replicas to a given Render Postgres instance.
  • If you omit this field, Render preserves any existing read replicas for the instance.
  • If you provide different name values from a database’s existing read replicas, Render creates a new replica for each new name and destroys any existing replicas that don’t match any provided name.
  • If you provide an empty list (e.g., readReplicas: []), Render destroys any existing replicas and does not create new replicas.
  • You can reference a read replica’s properties in another service’s environment variables, as you would for any other database. See Referencing values from other services.

For more information, see Read Replicas for Render Postgres.


Add a high availability standby to a PostgreSQL instance with the following syntax:

  enabled: true

For your database to support high availability, it must:

  • Belong to a Professional workspace or higher
  • Use the Pro instance type or higher
  • Use PostgreSQL version 13 or later

For more information, see PostgreSQL High Availability.

Data access control

To control which IP addresses can access your Render Postgres and Key Value instances from outside Render’s network, use the ipAllowList field:

  - source:
    description: office # optional
  - source:

The ipAllowList field is required for Key Value instances. If you omit this field for a Render Postgres database, any source with valid credentials can access the database.

IP address ranges use CIDR notation. The description field is optional.

To block all external connections, provide an empty list:

ipAllowList: [] # Only allow internal connections

To allow all external connections, provide the following CIDR block:

ipAllowList: # allow external connections from everywhere
  - source:
    description: everywhere

Learn more about access control for Render Postgres and Render Key Value.

Setting environment variables

Set names and values for a service’s environment variables in the envVars field:

  # Sets a hardcoded value
  # (DO NOT hardcode secrets in your Blueprint file!)
  - key: API_BASE_URL

  # Generates a base64-encoded 256-bit value
  # (unless a value already exists)
  - key: APP_SECRET
    generateValue: true

  # Prompts for a value in the Render Dashboard on creation
  # (useful for secrets)
    sync: false

  # References a property of a database
  # (see available properties below)
      name: mydatabase
      property: connectionString

  # References an environment variable of another service
  # (see available properties below)
      name: minio
      type: pserv

  # Adds all environment variables from an environment group
  - fromGroup: my-env-group

A Blueprint can create new environment variables or modify the values of existing ones. Render preserves existing environment variables, even if you omit them from the Blueprint file.

Referencing values from other services

When setting an environment variable in a Blueprint file, you can reference certain values from your other Render services.

You can reference a service that isn’t in the Blueprint, but that service must exist in your workspace for the Blueprint to be valid.

To reference a value from most service types, use the fromService field. For PostgreSQL, instead use fromDatabase:

# Any non-PostgreSQL service
    name: minio
    type: pserv
    property: host

# PostgreSQL service
    name: mydatabase
    property: connectionString

To reference another service’s environment variable, set envVarKey instead of property:

    name: minio
    type: pserv
  • In all cases, provide the service’s name, along with the property or envVarKey to use.
  • For fromService, you must also provide the referenced service’s type.

Supported values of property include:


Web services and private services only. The service’s hostname on the private network.


Web services and private services only. The port of the service’s HTTP server.


Web services and private services only. The service’s host and port, separated by a colon. Use this value to connect to the service over the private network.

Example: my-service:10000


Render Postgres and Key Value only. The URL for connecting to the datastore over the private network.

  • For Render Postgres, has the format postgresql://user:password@host:port/database
  • For Render Key Value, has the format redis://red-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:6379

Render Postgres only. The name of the user for your PostgreSQL database.

Included as a component of connectionString.


Render Postgres only. The password for your PostgreSQL database.

Included as a component of connectionString.


Render Postgres only. The name of your database within the PostgreSQL instance (not the name of the PostgreSQL instance itself).

Included as a component of connectionString.

Prompting for secret values

Some environment variables contain secret credentials, such an API key or access token. Do not hardcode these values in your render.yaml file!

Instead, you can define these environment variables with sync: false, like so:

  sync: false

During the initial Blueprint creation flow in the Render Dashboard, you’re prompted to provide a value for each environment variable with sync: false:

render.yaml sync false

Note the following limitations:

  • Render prompts you for these values only during the initial Blueprint creation flow.
    • When you update an existing Blueprint, Render ignores any environment variables with sync: false.
    • Add any new secret credentials to your existing services manually.
  • Render does not include sync: false environment variables in preview environments.
    • As a workaround, you can also manually define the environment variable in an environment group that you apply to the service. For details, see this page.
  • You can’t apply sync: false to environment variables defined in an environment group.
    • If you do this, Render ignores the environment variable.

Environment groups

You can define environment groups in the root-level envVarGroups field of your render.yaml file:

- name: my-env-group
    - key: CONCURRENCY
      value: 2
    - key: SHARED_SECRET
      generateValue: true

Each environment group has a name and a list of zero or more envVars. Definitions in the envVars list can use some (but not all) of the same formats as envVars for a service:

  • An environment group can’t reference values from your services, or from other environment groups.
  • You can’t define an environment variable with sync: false in an environment group.

Variable interpolation

Render does not support variable interpolation in a render.yaml file.

To achieve a similar behavior, pair environment variables with a build or start script that performs the interpolation for you.