- Quickstarts
- Phoenix Distillery
Deploy a Phoenix App with Distillery
This is a guide to deploying Phoenix projects on Render using Distillery.
We’ll start off with a bare Phoenix project with Ecto, modify it to use Distillery, and deploy it on Render. The full source code for this tutorial is available at https://github.com/render-examples/phoenix-distillery.
Create a Phoenix App with Distillery
Create a new Phoenix app in the terminal.
mix phx.new phoenix_distillery # also fetch and install dependencies cd phoenix_distillery
to add Distillery to deps.defp deps do [ ..., {:distillery, "~> 2.0"} ]
Then run
mix deps.get
in your terminal to update dependencies.
Configure Distillery
Let’s configure Distillery for production. Update the
config inconfig/prod.exs
so it looks like this:config :phoenix_distillery, PhoenixDistilleryWeb.Endpoint, cache_static_manifest: "priv/static/cache_manifest.json", server: true, # critical for Phoenix to run root: ".", version: Application.spec(:phoenix_distillery, :vsn)
Read more about Distillery configuration.
We’re not going to check secrets into source control. Instead, we’re going to manage them in production with Render environment variables. So let’s delete the line at the end referring to
.import_config "prod.secret.exs" # delete me
And delete the file
. -
You’re now ready to initialize your Distillery release.
mix distillery.init
This will create
, and the empty directoryrel/plugins
is used for runtime configuration by default, but we’re going to use the Mix Config Provider instead so you can delete this file.
Creating a Mix Config Provider
Create a Mix configuration file at
:mkdir -p rel/config
Contents of
:use Mix.Config port = String.to_integer(System.get_env("PORT") || "4000") default_secret_key_base = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(43) |> Base.encode64 config :phoenix_distillery, PhoenixDistilleryWeb.Endpoint, http: [port: port], url: [host: "localhost", port: port], secret_key_base: System.get_env("SECRET_KEY_BASE") || default_secret_key_base
This sets up the Mix configuration provider to get values from runtime environment variables.
to use your new provider. Change theenvironment :prod
section in the file to this:environment :prod do set include_erts: true set include_src: false set cookie: :"GZUAPxTBG1]F%gaBG6.|Fxqpi^]dVX>:AFn^YxR/RY%KE1ys/l6$cd3}8r4h$B4E" set config_providers: [ {Distillery.Releases.Config.Providers.Elixir, ["${RELEASE_ROOT_DIR}/etc/config.exs"]} ] set overlays: [ {:copy, "rel/config/config.exs", "etc/config.exs"} ]end
Configuring Ecto
Let’s configure Ecto to get the DATABASE_URL
from the environment. Change lib/phoenix_distillery/repo.ex
so it looks like this:
defmodule PhoenixDistillery.Repo do
use Ecto.Repo,
otp_app: :phoenix_distillery,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, pool_size: 10 def init(_type, config) do {:ok, Keyword.put(config, :url, System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"))} endend
This way Ecto gets database connection information from runtime environment variables.
Build a Release with Distillery
You’re now ready to build and run your first release!
npm run deploy --prefix assets && MIX_ENV=prod mix do phx.digest, distillery.release --env=prod
The output should look like this:
==> Assembling release..
==> Building release phoenix_distillery:0.1.0 using environment prod
==> Including ERTS 10.4.4 from /usr/local/Cellar/erlang/22.0.7/lib/erlang/erts-10.4.4
==> Packaging release..
Release successfully built!
To start the release you have built, you can use one of the following tasks:
# start a shell, like 'iex -S mix'
> _build/prod/rel/phoenix_distillery/bin/phoenix_distillery console
# start in the foreground, like 'mix run --no-halt'
> _build/prod/rel/phoenix_distillery/bin/phoenix_distillery foreground
# start in the background, must be stopped with the 'stop' command
> _build/prod/rel/phoenix_distillery/bin/phoenix_distillery start
If you started a release elsewhere, and wish to connect to it:
# connects a local shell to the running node
> _build/prod/rel/phoenix_distillery/bin/phoenix_distillery remote_console
# connects directly to the running node's console
> _build/prod/rel/phoenix_distillery/bin/phoenix_distillery attach
For a complete listing of commands and their use:
> _build/prod/rel/phoenix_distillery/bin/phoenix_distillery help
You can now test your release (assuming PostgreSQL is up on your local machine):
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://username:password@
_build/prod/rel/phoenix_distillery/bin/phoenix_distillery foreground
12:00:00.123 [info] Running PhoenixDistilleryWeb.Endpoint with cowboy 2.6.1 at http://localhost:4000
You can now deploy your app in production! 🎉
Deploying to Render
Create a build script called
at the root of your repo:#!/usr/bin/env bash # exit on error set -o errexit export MIX_ENV=prod # get app name and version from mix.exs export APP_NAME="$(grep 'app:' mix.exs | sed -e 's/\[//g' -e 's/ //g' -e 's/app://' -e 's/[:,]//g')" export APP_VSN="$(grep 'version:' mix.exs | cut -d '"' -f2)" # remove existing builds rm -rf "_build" # Compile app and assets mix deps.get --only prod mix compile cd assets && npm install && npm run deploy && cd .. # create release # we don't need to create a tarball because the app will be # served directly from the build directory mix do phx.digest, distillery.release --env=prod --no-tar echo "Linking release $APP_NAME:$APP_VSN to _render/" ln -sf "_build/$MIX_ENV/rel/$APP_NAME" _render
Make the script executable before checking it into Git:
chmod a+x build.sh
Create a new PostgreSQL database on Render.
Create a new Web Service on Render, and give Render permission to access your new repo.
Use the following values during creation:
Language Elixir
Build Command ./build.sh
Start Command ./_render/bin/phoenix_distillery foreground
Also add these environment variables to the web service:
Key | Value |
SECRET_KEY_BASE | A sufficiently strong secret. You can generate a secret locally by running mix phx.gen.secret |
DATABASE_URL | The internal database URL of the database you created above. |
That’s it! Your web service will be live on your Render URL as soon as the build finishes.
Going forward, every push to your repo will automatically build your app and deploy it in production. If the build fails, Render will automatically stop the deploy process and the existing version of your app will keep running until the next successful deploy.
Read about customizing Elixir and Erlang versions for your app.