1. Quickstarts
  2. Webdis

Deploy Webdis and Redis with Docker

This example helps you deploy Webdis on Render using Docker. Webdis is a fast HTTP interface for Redis with JSON output.

In this example, you’ll use a Redis server and a public Webdis server and connect the two.


  1. Create a new Redis server using the Redis deployment guide and make a note of the service address which will look like red-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:6379.

  2. Fork render-examples/webdis on GitHub.

  3. Create a new Web Service on Render using your webdis fork. Set the service’s Language field to Docker and add the following environment variables:

    REDIS_HOSTThe host in your Redis address. For example, red-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in red-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:6379.
    REDIS_PORTThe port in your Redis address. For example, 6379 in red-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:6379.

That’s it! Your webdis instance will be live on the Render URL displayed in the dashboard as soon as the build finishes. Try a few HTTP requests against your webdis instance.

Assuming the URL is https://webdis-wxyz.onrender.com, run the following commands in your local terminal:

curl https://webdis-wxyz.onrender.com/SET/hello/world
curl https://webdis-wxyz.onrender.com/GET/hello
curl https://webdis-wxyz.onrender.com/LPUSH/mylist/hello/world
curl https://webdis-wxyz.onrender.com/LLEN/mylist