1. Quickstarts
  2. Open Web Analytics

Deploy Open Web Analytics

Open Web Analytics is an open-source web analytics framework that can be used as an alternative to commercial tools such as Google Analytics.

  • Stay in control of the data you collect about your users.
  • Run Open Web Analytics under your own domain or as part of your web application.
  • Customize and extend Open Web Analytics to meet your needs.
  • Track WordPress and MediaWiki based websites and admin events.
  • Monitor your application with dozens of standard metrics, dimensions and reports.
  • Integrate with external data sources using the extensive data access API.
  • Remain compliant with GDPR and other privacy frameworks.

You can host an Open Web Analytics instance on Render in just a few minutes. Once it’s live, you will be able to access your JavaScript snippet that can be added to any website to instantly record detailed, real-time analytics.

One-Click Deploy

Click Deploy to Render below to deploy Open Web Analytics on Render.

Deploy to Render

Manual Deploy

Follow these steps to manually deploy Open Web Analytics on Render.

Create a MySQL Database

Set up a new MySQL 8 instance on Render. Make sure to deploy MySQL 8 by selecting the master branch. The database should be up in a few minutes. You’ll need details from your MySQL database in order to deploy the Open Web Analytics app.

Deploy Open Web Analytics

  1. Fork render-examples/open-web-analytics on GitHub or click Use this template.

  2. Create a new Web Service on Render and give Render permission to access your new GitHub repository. Make sure the Language field is set to Docker and pick a name for your service.

  3. Add the following environment variables to your web service:

    OWA_DB_HOSTThe hostname from the MySQL database
    OWA_DB_NAMEThe database name from the MySQL database
    OWA_DB_USERThe username from the MySQL database
    OWA_DB_PASSWORDThe password from the MySQL database
    OWA_AUTH_KEYClick Generate to get a secure random value
    OWA_AUTH_SALTClick Generate to get a secure random value
    OWA_NONCE_KEYClick Generate to get a secure random value
    OWA_NONCE_SALTClick Generate to get a secure random value

That’s it! Save your web service to deploy Open Web Analytics on Render. You can start using your Open Web Analytics service by going to https://your-subdomain.onrender.com as soon as your first deploy is live.

Open Web Analytics Welcome Screen