1. Quickstarts
  2. Ackee

Deploy Ackee

Ackee is a self-hosted Node.js based analytics tool for users who care about privacy. It is easy to set up and features an intuitive and minimal interface.

Ackee Dashboard Screenshot

You can host your own Ackee instance on Render in just a few minutes. Once it’s live you will be able to log in and get a JavaScript snippet that you can add to any website to get instant access to detailed, real-time analytics.

One-Click Deploy

Click Deploy to Render below and follow the prompts to set up Ackee on Render.

Deploy to Render

Once your deploy is finished, visit the URL for your service to login to Ackee. You can get your login credentials from the ACKEE_USERNAME and ACKEE_PASSWORD environment variables in the Environment tab of your service. By default, your username will be render and your password will be a randomly generated string.

Manual Deploy

Create a MongoDB Instance

Set up a new MongoDB instance on Render. The database should be up in a few minutes; wait for it to go live before deploying Ackee.

Deploy Ackee

  1. Fork render-examples/ackee on GitHub or click Use this template.

  2. Create a new Web Service on Render and give Render’s GitHub app permission to access your new repository. Make sure the Language field is set to Docker and pick a name for your Ackee instance.

  3. Add the following environment variables to your web service:

    MONGODB_HOSTPORTMongoDB hostname and port, for example: mongodb-123c:27107
    ACKEE_USERNAMEthe username for logging in to Ackee (the one-click deploy uses render as a default)
    ACKEE_PASSWORDyour Ackee password (auto-generated in one-click deploys)

    Ackee uses the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to restrict the sites that can send data to your Ackee instance. We’re using a wildcard (*) in this example but recommend updating the value of ACKEE_ALLOW_ORIGIN once you know the domains you’re tracking with Ackee. See Ackee docs for details.

That’s it! Save your web service to bring up Ackee. It will take a couple of minutes to start but future deploys will be much faster.

Your Ackee instance will be available on your .onrender.com URL as soon as the first deploy is live. Go to https://your-subdomain.onrender.com, log in using the values for ACKEE_USERNAME and ACKEE_PASSWORD above and start using Ackee!