Don't pay more for less
Discover why so many businesses migrate from Heroku to Render
Why businesses choose Render as an alternative to Heroku
Prohibitively high costs for running apps in production
Cost reductions of over 50% after switching to Render
Forceful restarts every 24 hours
Zero-downtime deploys and no unscheduled restarts
30 second hard response timeout limit
Configure up to 100 minutes for HTTP responses
Advanced DDoS protection not included
Advanced DDoS protection
$1000+/mo for direct support
Community and email support included
Cost reductions of over 50% after switching to Render
Zero-downtime deploys and no unscheduled restarts
Configure up to 100 minutes for HTTP responses
Advanced DDoS protection
Community and email support included
Prohibitively high costs for running apps in production
Forceful restarts every 24 hours
30 second hard response timeout limit
Advanced DDoS protection not included
$1000+/mo for direct support